Aether's Revival Series by Daniel Schinhofen

4.44 · 70 ratings
  • Aether's Blessing (Aether's Revival #1)

    Aether's Blessing (Aether's Revival #1)

    Daniel Schinhofen

    · 16 ratings · published 2020

    Every year, the empire administers the rite of passage into adulthood. That rite serves to identify those blessed by Aether to become magi. The new magi are shipped to the academy to learn the arts of magic. The academy is a dangerous place; the tournaments held twice each year can cripple or kill the students, and the clans of the empire will go to great lengths to recruit the students they want. Gregory had one dream: to become a magi like the legends of old... more

  • Aether's Guard (Aether's Revival #2)

    Aether's Guard (Aether's Revival #2)

    Daniel Schinhofen

    · 16 ratings · published 2020

    Gregory’s life changed when his aether sparked to life during the Age Day ritual. He left his old friends and his old life behind, and was taken to the Magi Academy to start training to serve the Vela Empire. Suddenly alone and out of place, he prepared for the worst.When the beautiful novice, Yukiko Warlin, asked if they could be friends, his life changed again... more

  • Magi's Path (Aether's Revival #3)

    Magi's Path (Aether's Revival #3)

    Daniel Schinhofen

    · 14 ratings · published 2021

    Nearly everything in Gregory’s life had changed by the end of his first year at the academy. Alone at the start of his novice year, he’d gotten engaged to Yukiko Warlin and found a friend in Jenn Bean by the time the annual tournament was over.The three of them went on to join Aether’s Guard, bringing the name of the nearly dead clan back to life. Elder Lightshield, the leader of Aether’s Guard, gave them his support and backing and Magus Dia guided them... more

  • Aether's Apprentices (Aether's Revival #4)

    Aether's Apprentices (Aether's Revival #4)

    Daniel Schinhofen

    · 12 ratings · published 2021

    Gregory was beyond happy when his second year in the Magi Academy began. Now married to both Yukiko and Jenn, Gregory had more love than he ever thought he’d find. It was also a time for friends. Daciana and Nessa, their novice friends, found another in Victoria, who also quickly became close with Gregory and his wives.Gregory found still more friends in Clover and Ling, two clanless apprentices who shared his tactics subgroup... more

  • Mages of Buldoun (Aether's Revival #5)

    Mages of Buldoun (Aether's Revival #5)

    Daniel Schinhofen

    · 0 ratings · published 2022

    Gregory, Yukiko, and Jenn were thrilled— not only had they won their first apprentice tournament, their friends finally joined them in Aether’s Guard. Daciana, Nessa, and Victoria were only halfway through their novice year, but had made an impact during their novice tournament.Besides the three novices, more friends joined their clan: Ling and Clover. They’d studied hard and were eager to prove that they could help, too... more

  • Magi Guard (Aether's Revival #6)

    Magi Guard (Aether's Revival #6)

    Daniel Schinhofen

    · 12 ratings · published 2022

    At the end of their apprentice year, Aether’s Guard headed off to Buldoun for an international tournament. They had allies there in the Swift Wind and Iron Hand clans, but they also had to deal with the Eternal Flame; Nick Shun had no interest in letting go of his perceived grudge against Aether’s Guard. However, with the academy overseer on the trip, Nick had no chance to act out against them.The tournament brought both joy and grief... more

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